Category Archives: Research

Category focuses on Research in Genealogy and History as it relates to Genealogy.

City Directories May Be More Than Names

City directories usually contain alphabetical list of residents. They may also contain “reverse directories” (where names are sorted by address), directories based upon occupation, lists of churches, and other information. Don’t just search the directory and, having found one reference to your ancestor, stop looking. There may be more information than just that one listing.

© Michael John Neill, “Genealogy Tip of the Day,”, 29 Oct 2012.

Do You Research Willy-Nilly?

Do you plan your research and decide what to do and how to do it before you it? Or do you just start typing things in search boxes and hoping? Do you randomly look for families in various records, hoping something comes up as the result?

While there is nothing wrong with hope, a little organization of your search can save you from frustration later and allow you to better trouble-shoot unsuccessful searches.

And do you have any research goals?

© Michael John Neill, “Genealogy Tip of the Day,”, 19 Oct 2012.

Short Marriage at the End?

Are you losing great-grandma at the very end of her life? Is it possible she married very late in life and her last name changed?

Took me a long time to find an ancestor of my wife who married her second husband in her late 60s. I assumed (incorrectly) that when her first husband died when she was in her early 60s that she never remarried. She didn’t disappear, but instead died and was buried under her second husband’s last name.

© Michael John Neill, “Genealogy Tip of the Day,”, 18 Jul 2012.

Don’t Ignore What Doesn’t Agree

If original material disagrees with other records or with your conclusions, do not simply ignore those original records because of the difference. Acknowledge that the other material exists and attempt to determine what might have caused the difference in statements of fact. If the cause cannot be determined and you still have reason to believe the other record to be incorrect, write up the records and reasons used.

© Michael John Neill, “Genealogy Tip of the Day,”, 21 Jul 2012.

Turn the Page

When a document is located on a relative, look at the pages before and after the document for additional references to your relative. Deeds sometimes get recorded in “batches,” when it is realized that they were forgotten. Children sometimes get baptized in groups when a minister finally arrives or someone decides it is time.

And occasionally there is a supplemental death certificate when a correction needs to be made.

Indexes will take you to a direct, exact page. It’s up to you to turn a few pages before and after that page to see if there’s an additional find.

© Michael John Neill, “Genealogy Tip of the Day,”, 3 Sep 2012.