
What You Are Missing in Unindexed Records on FamilySearch

Why is this important to you? Let me ask you another question first.

How do you search on

Most of us are looking for a person via a surname or as much of the name as you know.

And THOSE searches never look
in UNINDEXED records.

So what you say?

Then your searches have missed looking in the Alabama Census of 1856 (and there is one for 1857 too). Those searches didn’t look in Alabama County Marriages 1809-1950.

What *ARE* unindexed records? These are records that have not been “indexed” by volunteers. Remember volunteering for “transcribing” or “indexing” the 1940 census. That’s indexing records. Unindexed records are those which have not been transcribed.

NOW I’ve got your attention!

Even if you just stumbled on this post and could care less about Alabama records. Don’t have an ancestor that was ever in that state — The same thing applies to ALL the states!

So for Alabama, check out this link. Note that the Alabama link is now added to the Alabama Research Links page.
Or to see all unindexed records for the United states, go here.

A great article, Finding Info in Unindexed Records on (written 10-Jul-2014), will help you actually FIND info.

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One thought on “What You Are Missing in Unindexed Records on FamilySearch

  1. I have tried this an Arkansas, New York and Quebec. It takes time and patience, but I have always found something useful.

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