- It is with great sadness we let you know that former NEAGS Librarian, Carolyn Parrish has passed away on February 8, 2025. Her obituary is attached.
- February Monthly Meeting – February 8, 2025
- ***Weather Related Closings***
- Monthly Meeting January 11, 2025
- It is with great sadness we let you know Charles Atchley passed away December 20, 2024. His obituary is attached.
To anyone who has posted a comment in the past year, please send your information needed to the library email, neagslib@comcast.net
We’ve been closed due to Covid and haven’t replied in many cases. Please if you still need assistance email us.
I understand that the society is in the process of naming the graves in the old CLAYTON cemetery for a publication (book) or already has done so. The society was trying to find the names of actual burials but no stones.
During the past few months which I have been researching my family members, I have found out that my Grt Grmother is buried there but no marker/stone. I can easily prove this. Let me know who to write to to give them the information I have plus there may be others that I can help identify. I have the name of Julie PAYNE in my notes. I can be reached at the email address below or cell (931) 952-3509. 621 St Clair, Tracy City, TN 37387
My husband was born in the old Albertville/Boaz Clinic on August 14, 1955, to John and Eloise Bannister. On his birth certificate, it shows he is a twin and the names on it are Vinson Melton (his name) and Winston Milton Bannister but they were told it was a mistake. Is there always to know for sure. My husband and his parents have passed away .
Hello. I am interested in doing more research on my family ancestors. They are all local Gadsden settlers. One of those ancestors is Emma Sansom.
Would you mind sending out an email when you determine the reopening of the Nichols Library. I will be traveling from out of state.
Thank you.
We wanted to visit the library, so we came on Thursday, but it was closed. My husband’s family lived in Blount county and we have not been able to find much information. We were hoping a local library might have something. Is there anyway someone could check to see if there is any information on a Dr. John Lowery buried in Nesmith Cemetery in Brooksville? If it looks like you might have information, we will setup appointment to come back
So sorry that you came and we were closed. We are closed indefinitely due to Covid-19. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Are You still doing descended of First Families certificate? Mine read I’m the gr gr gr gr gr granddaughter of Adam Shuffield/Sheffield.
I’m fairly new to genealogy. Would you please tell me how I access the 1820 census for DeKalb County, Alabama?
I would like to purchase Joshua Price’s book on the 48th Alabama Regiment, CSA. Both my great, great grandfather and his father were members of this regiment. I contacted Josh several times over the past few years and the books were not available. Either hard copy or electronic copy will work for me. You might be interested to know that my doctoral dissertation is “The Bands and Musicians of the Confederacy.” It is not commercially published, but I would be willing to get a copy to you if you can help me get the 48th Alabama book. Thanks,
Benny P. Ferguson
I visited the Nichols Library many times while researching the novel I just published, “You Can’t Ride This Train” . My book is set mostly in my fictional version of Alabama City in the early 20th century. Several scenes take place the Nichols Library, which I call the Amory Addams White Memorial Library. I will be in Gadsden in late May and would love to talk to you about it.
Hi Jane,
We are currently closed to visitors due to Covid-19. We would love to talk to you when we reopen. Thank you so much!
I have not received the quarterly for this year. Please send, for it is my only link to my Alabama kin. Carol valladares
Hi Carol,
We had some delays with Covid-19. Did you get your quarterly?
My father’s cousin, Anna Linton Praytor, died without direct descendants. We inherited the family Bible of her mother Anna Linton (who married Arthur Praytor in Talledega 1892). There are several references to births/deaths in Talledega County. We are kin to Anna Linton Praytor on the Praytor side. Since the Lintons are only “kissing cousins” I would like to give the Bible to a Linton. Would you have any knowledge of Lintons who are still in Talladega?
Thank you,
Paula Hazelrig Hickman