What *IS* a Genealogy Swap Meet?

The “Swap Meet” provides LEARNING opportunities.

People who love to do genealogy also LOVE to share genealogy. The “Swap Meet” is NEAGS’ way of SHARING information & knowledge not only to our community but state-wide for a day of focused activity.

The “Swap Meet” is a way of MEETING new people who have like interests — perhaps in the same surname or in the same area of the country.

The “Swap Meet” is on Saturday, March 22nd— but don’t miss the Dinner Theater event the night before.

See the flyer  (2014) for  more information.
Save the dates on your calendar & Register now.

Come join us for a great “genealogy experience”.

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2014 Ancestor Swap Meet

Topics for Sat, Mar 22nd Ancestor Swap Meet

3 thoughts on “What *IS* a Genealogy Swap Meet?

  1. I am working on a list of historical plaques placed by the Col Dames of XVII Century and discovered a beautiful picture of the H.G. Nichols Library on the web. In the pix I see a bronze marker on a “concrete” pedestal in front of the building. Is this the CDXVIIC marker? Thanks so much.
    Doris Estes, Public Relations, AL State Soc CDXVIIC .

    1. Doris — Thank you for your question. I had to wait until our “library day” (Thursday) to check the marker. The Roman numerals are XVII and not CDXVIIC. I think because to get Colonial Dames Century on the oval shield, there was only room for XVII. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need more information. ~ Lynda Peach, NEAGS Site Administrator.

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